JRadius now has support for RadSec in both the client and server.

RadSec Client

The RadiusClient class now can be configured with your own transport layer, implementing the RadiusClientTransport abstract class. The default transport class is UDPClientTransport, with the RadSecClientTransport being another option.

RadSec in JRadiusSimulator

The JRadiusSimulator now has an option to pick either the UDP or RadSec transport, allowing you to test both UDP and RadSec RADIUS servers. To configure RadSec in the Simulator:

  • Select RadSec from the Transport list on the main screen.
  • For RADIUS Server, enter in your RadSec server IP address or hostname.
  • Enter in the Shared Secret for use in the tunnel, radsec for instance.
  • Enter the RadSec port in both Auth Port and Acct Port, port 2083 is the default RadSec port.
  • Select the Keys tab and configure your X509 certificate and CA.

Using RadSec with the Client API

When using UDP, a RadiusClient can be created in the same way as before. However, when creating a client for RadSec, you must configure the RadSecClientTransport, specifying the KeyManager and TrustManager to be used.

RadiusClientTransport transport;
transport = new RadSecClientTransport(keyManagers, trustManagers);
RadiusClient radiusClient = new RadiusClient(transport);

Now the radiusClient can be used.

RadSec Server

The JRadius server is a RADIUS logic processing engine in Java. Typically, the JRadius server is used with FreeRADIUS and the rlm_jradius module, allowing you to use FreeRADIUS while processing your RADIUS logic in the JRadius Java server. However, JRadius now is able to handle native RADIUS packets, not just those coming through FreeRADIUS.

In our example, we will configure a RadSec listener and processors configured with a simple KeyManager and TrustManager that use PEM encoded X509 certificates. We then will configure a very simple proxy handler that will forward the RADIUS packets to an external RADIUS server.

To configure the JRadius server with a RadSec listener, you will have the following in jradius-config.xml:

<listener name="RadSecServices">
  <description>RadSec Listener</description>
  <property name="backlog" value="1024"/>
  <property name="keyManager" value="bean:radSecKeyManager"/>
  <property name="trustManager" value="bean:radSecTrustManager"/>
  <packet-handler name="RadSec Proxy">
    <description>RadSec Proxy</description>
</listener> In the above, we setup the RadSec listener and processor classes. In this case, the classes are created in the Spring Framework and we refer to the beans by name. The listener bean is radSecListener, the processor bean is radSecProcessor, and it is configured with a KeyManager, a TrustManager, and a packet handler class.

The beans above are defined and configured in the spring-config.xml file:

<bean id="radSecProcessor" class="net.jradius.radsec.RadSecProcessor" singleton="false">
<bean id="radSecListener" class="net.jradius.radsec.RadSecListener">
<bean id="radSecKeyManager" class="net.jradius.radsec.SimpleKeyManager">
  <property name="keyFile" value="/tmp/server.pem"/>
  <property name="keyFileType" value="PEM"/>
  <property name="keyFilePassword" value="test"/>
<bean id="radSecTrustManager" class="net.jradius.radsec.SimpleTrustManager">
  <property name="certFile" value="/tmp/ca.pem"/>
  <property name="certFileType" value="PEM"/>
  <property name="certFilePassword" value=""/>
<bean id="radSecProxyHandler" class="net.jradius.radsec.SimpleProxyHandler">
  <property name="radiusServer" value="localhost"/>
  <property name="sharedSecret" value="testing123"/>
  <property name="authPort" value="1645"/>
  <property name="acctPort" value="1646"/>

In this example, we are using the simple RadSecListener and RadSecProcessor classes to create the RadSec service. It is configured with a SimpleKeyManager and a SimpleTrustManager to define the server X509 certificate and CA trust chain. Then, finally, the SimpleProxyHandler is configured in this example to forward RADIUS packets as UDP to a remote RADIUS server.

Simple Proxy Handler

In our example, we configured the RadSec listener to use a simple proxy handler. Of course, you can configure the listener to use any handler or handler chain. In this case, the JRadius handler is simple:

public boolean handle(JRadiusRequest request) throws Exception
   RadiusRequest req = (RadiusRequest) request.getRequestPacket();
   RadiusResponse res = radiusClient.sendReceive(req, 3);
   return false;

All it does is forward the RADIUS packet through to the configured RadiusClient and stores the reply to be returned by the RadSec processor.


Other implementations of RadSec:

  • CoovaChilli RadSec
  • RadSecProxy
  • Radiator