If you have been in the forum, you probably already know. But, Coova has launched a new RADIUS AAA service to complement Coova-Chilli and CoovaAP firmware.

About the service

CoovaAAA provides a flexible RADIUS authentication, authorization, and accounting engine designed to make hotspot management easy for users, while also giving them complete control. Users are able to create an account, which provides them with an individual “shared secret” to use when configuring an access point supporting RADIUS authentication – using captive portal or WPA Enterprise (802.1X).

Once signed up and have an access point configured for CoovaAAA, log into the captive portal or WPA network with your Coova.org account. From then on, you will see the AP associated with your account in the portal. You can then share your network with the entire Coova.org community or select individual members. Find members by username or e-mail address, or send an invitation if not already registered.

About the technology

CoovaAAA is built on a highly flexible framework using JRadius along with FreeRADIUS. The main portal is a Java application using Hibernate, Spring, Acegi, XSLT, and many other technologies. The “Manage” section of the portal is an integrated GWT application.

much, much more to come…