UAM web server failover

lc chilli at
Sat Jan 26 13:14:56 UTC 2008


I think this is an excellent idea!


> Hi
> Lot of people would like the UAM webserver failover feature in coova  
> chilli or coovaAP.
> I'd like to help implementing this.
> Maybe the first step would be to agree on a spec?
> So here's a simple proposition:
> Add an optionnal alternate uam server parameter (or uamserver2)
> Another would be the monitoring period.
> Every 15-30 minutes (the monitoring period), an http request is  
> alternatively sent to one of the uam urls with "? 
> ping=1&nasId=xx&calledMac=xx&md5=xx" added to the url.
> The http response should be a text response: Ok
> If current uam response if not Ok:
> if last resonse from other uam server was Ok: set to other uam  
> server (if not already).
> else: switch to not available service internal page.
> else if current is OK and state was not available: set to current
> If main uam server is ok and currently selecting the alternate, then  
> switch back to the main uam server.
> Note that the monitoring process must not be launched by cron  
> because all hotspot may try to send a monitoring request at the same  
> time.
> About some more alternatives, there could be also more than 1  
> alternate server, and maybe it could be possible to use inexpensive  
> ping requests in addition to http requests.
> Now, about the implementation, I don't know if it would be better/ 
> easier to do this inside coova chilli, or in a monitoring script.
> What do you think about all this?
> Regards
> Sophana

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