[Chilli] Interim Interval

David Bird david at coova.com
Fri Dec 11 06:25:51 UTC 2009

Yeah, there is a minimum of 60 seconds... this was sort of a arbitrary
limit to help prevent a misconfigured chilli sending too many packets. 

On Thu, 2009-12-10 at 23:01 +0200, Liran Tal wrote:
> Is there a minimum setting for a replied back Acct-Interim-Interval in
> coova?
> Not that I can recall but I'm not sure as to why it doesn't send
> accounting
> updates every 30 seconds when I've defined it to be replied and I can
> see that
> freeradius indeed sends it:
> Sending Access-Accept of id 3 to xx.xxx.xx.xxx port 45337
>         Acct-Interim-Interval := 30
> -- 
> -- 
> Sincerely, Liran Tal
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