/32 subnet

Oguzhan Kayhan oguzhank at bilkent.edu.tr
Wed Feb 4 11:31:15 UTC 2009

> Hi,
> the basic idea behind the attached patch is the following:
> On a hotspot, normaly you don't want to allow client to client
> communication (everybody should have access to the internet and be somehow
> protected from other hotspot users) - especially for the windows dhows.
> This patch adds a new configuration option "noc2c" (no client 2 client
> communcation). With this option enabled, the DHCP offers supplies a /32
> netmask. Doing this would prevent any hotspot client to communcate with
> anybody, even the default gateway. Therefore it adds a static route for
> the default gw as an connected route. This prevents (windows) clients
> doing any broadcasts on the hotspot network and reach any other hotspot
> client (default gateway must not route any pakets coming from a hotspot
> client to any other hotspot client). It would be great if somebody could
> test it with additional clients, Win XP works as expected.
> Any comments on the patch are welcome ;)
> Regards,
> Thomas

Nice patch really. Seperating all clients from eachother is a good idea..
And my humble opinion is, to force all clients to pass from gateway is
better idea.Why i say it so..
Because, assume u have some users behind coova. They can communicate or
transfer files without any need of authentication. And even they
authenticate, it wont effect any limitation in upload/download speeds that
they have in internet traffic.
Local traffic is without any control.
So forcing them to use gateway in all their transmissions will help admins
to control the users in a better way.

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