
wlanmac wlan at mac.com
Tue Jun 30 08:29:33 UTC 2009


You may have noticed that our coova.org server had problems over the
weekend. It is increasingly clear that the server that runs the site is
needing replacement. We have been in the process of moving to a new
Amazon cloud environment, with redundant instances and an elastic IP
address. We will be starting sooner than later to migrate over coova.org
to the new platform - which is now already running coova.com, coova.net,
and om.coova.net. 

What this means:

- PhpBB forum will be migrated to Drupal forum. I've tested the
migration, and for the most part, the forum and users are preserved. 

- Wiki will be migrated (largely by hand as URLs will change) to Drupal
book pages, and we will encourage more cross-over between forum users
and wiki editing. 

- CoovaAAA will probably be the last service we address. The service, as
it is now, will be phased out with CoovaNET taking it's place. We need
to get a couple more features ported (facebook, openid, for example) to
the new system, but the new platform will prove to be better in the long

Thanks for your interest in Coova.

Best regards,

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