[Chilli] Chilli reply not getting back to VLAN

David Bird david at coova.com
Sat Apr 2 06:45:56 UTC 2011

>> That will not work... Chilli sends to the same interface it
>> listens to ... It's dhcpif. 
>> You can, however, run multiple instance of chilli, one for
>> each of your wireless interfaces (or vlans) 
> Hmmm I didn't know chilli could not work this way .... :(
> I was under the impression that's how the ieee8021q option works,
> where I could have one instance of chilli "managing" a few VLANs on the same network interface.

That is how chilli works with ieee802q option... But, you are trying to tag the wireless interface with a bridge on the local host (eth0.x) ... And that will not work for the reason you showed... That since chilli is working with eth0 (and knows nothing about eth0.x), any reply from chilli will NOT be tagged by eth0.x. If you use a VLAN switch and have chilli handle eth0 (with no eth0.x tricks) then is should work fine... 

> There is another reason why such scheme will be useful. Say for example on the server machine where chilli is running, I created many VLANs on dhcpif eth0. And eth0 is connected to a port on the managed switch where VLAN tagging is enabled. On the same switch there are many untagged VLAN ports where each client is connected. By doing so, we accomplish "client isolation" - ie the clients are blocked from talking to each other.
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