[Chilli] CoovaChilli Kernel Mode issue

Steffen Dettmer steffen.dettmer at nomadrail.com
Wed Dec 4 16:48:00 UTC 2013


because it seems no one knew how to solve, I try to add my
experiences, but unfortunately I can only say that I had a very
similar situation and didn't solve it.

> Phyo Wai Soe, November 28, 2013 12:36 PM
> I saw your mails to the list regarding the redir error message
> and hoped I could get some clues. So far, I am still stuck :(
> In my case, when I see redir_read messages in the server's
> syslog, it normally means that clients see "The connection was
> reset" error in their browsers and can't go anywhere. They
> don't even see the "redirecting" message with the animated
> circle (www/wait.gif).

I did some performance tests with kernel mode Coova (but not
using the original Coova Portal), but I also was not able to get
the redirects working. To progress, I manually authorized test
clients using chilli_query command line commands, as you did :)

> I tried different config settings. If I make HS_UAMLISTEN
> address in the same range as HS_NETWORK, clients do see
> redirection/login pages but that's all.

I think, following Davids annoucement mail, in main.conf "net"
should be e.g. in and uamlisten e.g. The up.sh
script generates different iptables rules; I think in your case
the traffic to the login page could even be passing by coova.

> I don't see any record in /proc/net/coova/chilli (which should
> happen if the kernel module mode is on)

I think only authorized clients appear here.

> or issue authorize, log out, etc., commands on the server with
> chilli_query. It's as if the commands don't have any effect on
> the clients.

I simply manually called chilli_query on shell command line to
authenticate my clients, then they appeared in the /proc file
output. I think this is expected: Coova handles all
non-authorized traffic. Sorry that I don't know why it is not
working for the redirects.

> However, if I make HS_UAMLISTEN address to be on
> another network range like David mentioned, clients get that
> connection reset error. But /proc/net/coova/chilli is populated
> and if I manually authorize a client, he/she can browse the
> web.

Do the counters of the -m coova firewall rules increase (e.g.
iptables-save -c)? If so, I think this proves the kernel module
is working (it matches packets, which then are routed by the
kernel). Maybe verify with "killall -STOP chilli", but I didn't

> It's possible that there is a config problem or the NAT
> between UAMLISTEN and DHCPLISTEN has a issue. I am trying out
> all possible things I can think of but so far, I am not getting
> it right.

The portal I used responded with a redirect - to the current URL.
I thought it could be cause by the fact, that the client network
is within 10/8 as a "default" config may assume, but from 11/8,
because Coova performs some SNAT (?) of unauthorized clients. I
think you already tried, traced and verified that. Maybe it helps
to use a browser debugger like Firebug and check "Network" to see
what happens or even better tcpdump -w + Wireshark the traffic;
maybe the redirect works, but not the portal as in my case?

Sorry that I couldn't help you, but at least you know you are not
the only one who had such an issue :-)


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