[Chilli] Layer3: help with connections / dhcp connections

Michele Bergonzoni bergonz at labs.it
Wed Nov 27 17:52:25 UTC 2013

> If it isn't a configuration switch that I'm missing, I am willing to
> change the source

I forced just one "dhcp connection", with this simple patch, that 
appears to work for me. It is not perfect, because it seems to me that 
it can actually use the wrong MAC address to talk to the client, but at 
least it "usually" works.

THis is relative to current SVN, with my previous EDNS patch applied and 
one more patch that I'll share shortly.



Index: src/dhcp.c
--- src/dhcp.c  (revision 485)
+++ src/dhcp.c  (working copy)
@@ -617,6 +617,13 @@
    struct dhcp_conn_t *p;
    uint32_t hash;

+  if (_options.layer3 && this->firstusedconn){
+    /* We want just one dhcp connection, so reuse the same */
+    *conn = this->firstusedconn;
+    return 0;
+  }
    /* Find in hash table */
    hash = dhcp_hash(hwaddr) & this->hashmask;
    for (p = this->hash[hash]; p; p = p->nexthash) {

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