[Chilli] Radius 256 Request per port limit

Alexander Szlezak alexander.szlezak at unwired.at
Thu Feb 6 15:41:20 UTC 2014

Dear All,

We're running coovachilli in a centralized way, thus one daemon is 
handing the traffic of a large number of access points bridged on layer2 
with the interface coovachilli is running on.

Since the location of the user is relevant to uns (on which ap is a 
certain cpe located), the access points send a radius accounting packet 
with the location to chilli, extracts the location id and then proxies 
the request to our radius server.

Issue is, that we have a lot of access points, and radius requests and 
to us it seems there is a protocol limitation for 256 concurrent radius 
requests per port. Since coovachilli is proxying all requests on one 
port to the radius server, we hit that limit.

Question is, if there is a workaround, or if it is imaginable to have 
chilli connect to radius on multiple ports (as this is the descibed 
workaround in the radius documentation).

Would be glad to have your ideas on this.


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Mag. Alexander Szlezak          Unwired Networks GmbH

+43 660 1350410
alexander.szlezak at unwired.at           www.unwired.at

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