[Chilli] Need help Social WiFi implementation

Lorenzo Milesi maxxer at ufficyo.com
Mon Jan 27 17:25:18 UTC 2014

> I am running Coova chilli with mysql and freeradius based authentication.
> I want to bring a social wifi in it, where user will "like" a facebook page
> or follow a twitter handle to avail the internet.
> Can any one point some information on how to implement it?.

We developed a similar application, you need to create a Facebook app that retrieves user likes and when you verify you have that you can accept the user.

> In case of social network login, do I still need mysql+radius running on the
> machine?

Theorically no, you can authorize users using the javascript library or other tricks.
We still used the full radiust auth in order to store some user informations like email and name/surname.
Lorenzo Milesi - lorenzo.milesi at yetopen.it

YetOpen S.r.l. - http://www.yetopen.it/

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