[Chilli] client MTU too small for SSL requests

andrew@PolkaSpots.com andrew at polkaspots.com
Mon May 19 20:02:26 UTC 2014

Hi Liu,

Not sure if this is the best way of doing it, but try in

to add on the wan interface

option mtu '1400'

Have a great one

On 19/05/14 18:15, Liu Wenmao wrote:
> Hi list:
> I recently use coova-chilli as wifi auth service on my openwrt box, 
> http web seems ok, but some of my client can not rearch some https 
> webs, which are random, for example, my android phone can not load one 
> https page, but my ipad can.
> After I googled I find that it may be a MTU problem, so I set a small 
> MTU value,say 1400 for the android phone, so it can load the https 
> page now. But I can not change every mobile phone because it is not 
> convinient, so I probably should change the chilli settings. But I do 
> not know how, any someone help?
> I notice that all interfaces of the openwrt system has MTU 1500, and 
> none of them drop any packets from 'ifconfig' cmd output.
> I tcpdumped the packets and find that the key exchage finishes, but 
> when client sends requests, it seems to have no responses because it 
> retransmit the packets for 3 more times, but there are no error icmp 
> responses from chilli during the retransmission,which I think should 
> occur when the router find a too big segment, is it a bug?
> Wenmao Liu
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