[Chilli] Installation question

Steffen Dettmer steffen.dettmer at nomadrail.com
Tue May 20 08:12:17 UTC 2014

* Charles Chambers
> Chilli doesn't want to deal with wlan0, it wants both network
> connections to be ethernet (eth0 and eth1).

Could you describe a bit more in detail, please?
Coova works fine with wlan0, a standard config for me.

> Any way to configure Chilli so that eth1 can be wlan0?

Sure, should be straight-forward:

HS_WANIF="uplink-tun" # Give interface of default route or omit (=auto).
HS_LANIF="wlan0"      # Your WiFi interface.
HS_TUNDEV="wlan0-tun" # Name of the tun dev.


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