1.0.13 with coovaap

Oguzhan Kayhan oguzhank at bilkent.edu.tr
Thu Apr 9 13:08:09 UTC 2009

> Hello,
> Yes, I've been hearing from many that they would like to see CoovaAP
> come out with a new release. The question has always been, maintain the
> Whiterussian version or finally move on to Kamikaze? If kamikaze, what
> 'flavor' as several projects already "maintain" configuration syntax for
> chilli - x-wrt, Open-mesh, etc. Indeed, the open-mesh/ROBIN project
> might prove to be a good foundation to take advantage of all OpenWrt and
> Mesh have to offer. In the absence of the nvram variables, the ROBIN
> project is establishing a protocol for maintaining router firmware and
> configuration. It seems natural to do something similar for CAP.
> David

 So we better start hoping to get some good news about that project..

> On Thu, 2009-04-09 at 12:43 +0200, Graham Beneke wrote:
>> Oguzhan Kayhan wrote:
>> > Glad to hear new release,
>> > by the way ..
>> > Any future plan to update the Coovaap distro too??
>> > There were no update since 2007...
>> I second that.
>> I don't really know how to package a OpenWRT distro - would really
>> appreciate a package with the latest coova.
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