dns tunnels a threat?

SR Infosystèmes contact at sriviere.info
Fri Sep 7 13:15:42 UTC 2007

> It isn't so complicated, it seem more complicated to explain that to
> have it.

Hi Franco,

I like the way you fix this problem, but I'm not an experienced DNS 
user, specially with two DNS in a single host.

Do you have some samples confs files, eventually with more detailed 
advices ?

It would be very appreciated.

All the best from Oleron Island

Stéphane Rivière


SR Infosystèmes
15, rue du Temple
17310 St Pierre d'Oléron
Ile d'Oléron - France

Mobile : 06 89 29 88 44
Fixe :   09 54 10 55 60 (appel local)
Fax :    05 46 36 30 59
Site :   www.sriviere.info
Email :  contact at sriviere.info
Skype :  stephane.riviere

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