uamanyip patch

Gunther Mayer gunther.mayer at
Fri Apr 4 11:11:39 UTC 2008

wlan at wrote:
> Hi Gunther,
> I will definitely give it a look, thanks!
> Are you already using this code in a live network?
Not yet, but I tested it quite a bit in a testing environment and it 
works as advertised - at least my patch against v1.0.11 but the changes 
to r161 are trivial enough. I'm confident enough in its stability that I 
will start live deployments next week sometime.

I'll have to change all my lan a/p's ip addresses in the process as I 
too currently have a setup like lc, but now want a single subnet for 
both management devices and clients as they're all on the same network 
segment anyway and it will greatly simplify administration (no more 
manual fiddling with static ip's and all that jazz).
> Btw, if you (or anyone) wants to directly help out chilli, send me 
> over a htpasswd (using md5) generated username/password and I'll set 
> you up.
Cool, thanks, though I'd only make use of that facility if I end up 
patching regularly.


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