UAM web server failover

sophana sophana at
Sat Jan 26 20:01:27 UTC 2008

If the access point looses all connectivity, there should be a 
redirection to a local served page telling that the service is interrupted.
There is nothing more that can be done.

The uam server failover is mainly useful in case of server outages, or 

note: the reply-to seems to be working just fine. thanks.

wlan at a écrit :
> I think it is a good idea, and perhaps something to be integrated into 
> chilli. It would have to fork a process to do the check (so that there 
> is no waiting in the main loop), but it could reconfigure the server 
> with it's findings. If it is just switching landing pages, that's not 
> too difficult. But, it still wouldn't help the situation when the 
> access point lost all connectivity since DNS will likely be timing out 
> on the original requests.
> David
> On Jan 26, 2008, at 1:53 PM, sophana wrote:
>> Hi
>> Lot of people would like the UAM webserver failover feature in coova 
>> chilli or coovaAP.
>> I'd like to help implementing this.
>> Maybe the first step would be to agree on a spec?
>> So here's a simple proposition:
>> Add an optionnal alternate uam server parameter (or uamserver2)
>> Another would be the monitoring period.
>> Every 15-30 minutes (the monitoring period), an http request is 
>> alternatively sent to one of the uam urls with 
>> "?ping=1&nasId=xx&calledMac=xx&md5=xx" added to the url.
>> The http response should be a text response: Ok
>> If current uam response if not Ok:
>>  if last resonse from other uam server was Ok: set to other uam 
>> server (if not already).
>>  else: switch to not available service internal page.
>> else if current is OK and state was not available: set to current
>> If main uam server is ok and currently selecting the alternate, then 
>> switch back to the main uam server.
>> Note that the monitoring process must not be launched by cron because 
>> all hotspot may try to send a monitoring request at the same time.
>> About some more alternatives, there could be also more than 1 
>> alternate server, and maybe it could be possible to use inexpensive 
>> ping requests in addition to http requests.
>> Now, about the implementation, I don't know if it would be 
>> better/easier to do this inside coova chilli, or in a monitoring script.
>> What do you think about all this?
>> Regards
>> Sophana
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