Attempt to re-authenticate at the end of a session

wlan at wlan at
Wed Mar 26 06:03:51 UTC 2008

Hi Gunther,

Reauthenticating sessions isn't a feature... though, to change  
session parameters mid-session, you can use the 'acctupdate' feature  
to return this information (in a non-RFC kind of way) in the  
Accounting response. If someone is transitioning from free to paid,  
wouldn't you want them to see a login page as a form of notification  
of the change?


On Mar 25, 2008, at 3:40 PM, Gunther Mayer wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Is it possible in coova to try and re-authenticate a given client  
> at the end of their session?
> Reason I'm asking: we have customers who get a free bandwidth  
> allocation and over and above that they have to pay. In order to  
> improve the service offering it would be nice to prioritise the  
> paid traffic over the free one but the only way I can see that  
> being done is through the conup/condown scripts which unfortunately  
> cannot work during a session (only at start and stop). Therefore I  
> can only distinguish between free and paid traffic by using two  
> distinct sessions and therefore I'd like one session to smoothly  
> take over from the previous one (free allocation used up => free  
> session stop => reauthentication => paid session start => traffic  
> prioritisation => paid session stop => undo traffic prioritisation)
> I remember looking into this re-authentication stuff quite some  
> time ago but cannot remember the specifics and cannot find related  
> config options in the Coova documentation...
> Gunther
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