PPP(oe) WAN connection not established when using Wireless-Only hotspot

wlan at mac.com wlan at mac.com
Thu May 15 17:31:23 UTC 2008

These are perhaps more issues with CoovaAP - particularly so with the  
wireless-only, since the script, as noted, will reset the network  
(after changing some settings to break the pre-existing bridge).  
Agreed that the checking of chilli being up should be a bit smarter.

On May 15, 2008, at 5:37 PM, Graham Beneke wrote:

> Murray Long wrote:
>> I've run into a problem when using PPP (or PPPoe ) internet  
>> connection, with the wireless only hotspot option. On startup, the  
>> router gets into an endless cycle or connecting and reconnecting.
>> Here's why it happens:
>> The "/etc/init.d/S90chillli start" script is run to start coova- 
>> chilli
>> the wireless_split function then restarts all network interfaces  
>> which starts the ppp dialup
>> Coova-chilli is then started but fails to initialize because it  
>> can't determine the ip address of the radius server (because the  
>> ppp is slow and the connection is not yet established)
>> 5 seconds later (still not enough time for ppp to establish a  
>> connection) "S90chilli checkrunning" is called which detects  
>> chilli is not running and restarts the whole process.
> I have been experiencing problems with run away bandwidth usage on  
> a provider you probably know (iBurst). I have not yet traced the  
> exact source of the problem but it would seem to be some sort of  
> nasty loop that Coova gets into trying to validate its servers that  
> result in extremely high bandwidth usage and an AP that becomes non- 
> functional until it has been rebooted.
> It probably stems from the same aggressive validation that seems to  
> fail on sub-standard broadband connections.
> -- 
> Graham Beneke
> Apolix Internet Services
> E-Mail/MSN/Jabber: graham at apolix.co.za   Skype: grbeneke
> VoIP: 087-750-5696                       Cell: 082-432-1873
> http://www.apolix.co.za/
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