[chilli] Re: Sense of self awareness? :)

Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET ml at t-b-o-h.net
Fri May 16 02:31:21 UTC 2008

> Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > 	More Chilli questions, but original, not Coova. I again look to a 
> > solid install base. (And anyone that might help the author of DD-WRT to get
> > Coova running under it)
> You're in the wrong place if you want support for stock chillispot. I 
> don't think anyone still supports it though it seems many still use it.
	I realize this, as I mentioned above. I'm "stuck" currently with
Chillispot due to what the author of DD-WRT says "coova is not big endian 
and arm/xscale safe.". Until he does, we are going to have to use stock
Chilli for many reasons. I'm not at liberty to "roll my own" due to 
the clients request. 

	I realize this is a stock Chillia question, but since Coova is a 
fork of it, there might be a chance of something I've overlooked, and the 
potential for making a request for something to be added to Coova. :)
> > 	SO, what I was wondering, is if in some sense Chilli is "self aware".
> > Can I ask it, poke it, prod it, etc to see who is actively connected at the
> > time? I'd use the checkrad radius program to update the files once and a bit.
> >   
> The old chilli couldn't do what you want, but coova certainly can: it 
> has chilli_query, check out its documentation on the coova wiki 
> (http://coova.org/wiki/index.php/CoovaChilli/chilli_query%281%29).
	Kewl, exactly what I need. Maybe I can see what it took to accomplish
this can get it patched into the old server for use. Or, I'll find its just
way too much and have to find other means of accomplishing my goals. But now
I have direction. 

	Thank you, Tuc
> Gunther
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