Enforcing volume (traffic) limit

Liran Tal liran.tal at gmail.com
Sun Oct 19 11:27:09 UTC 2008

I'm working for the past weeks on adding billing functionality to daloRADIUS
so it would be good help
if you could help me design it. The first step would be knowing what kind of
billing are you looking for,
how are you doing your billing today? what are your expectations from the
billing system? etc...

I have already added to daloRADIUS a portal for PayPal Signup which means
the user signs-up using his
paypal account to purchase plans on your hotspot and the user is
automatically provisioned in the database
for authentication and the rest of it...


On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 1:12 PM, Devinder Singh <devinder at palettemm.com>wrote:

> Hi
> Is there an open soure billing solution for Free Radius Server
> Devinder
> 2008/10/19 Liran Tal <liran.tal at gmail.com>
>> Hey guys,
>> I was wondering if any of you are enforcing volume/traffic limiting such
>> as monthly total upload/download? (AcctInputOctets/AcctOutputOctets)
>> Which are attribute are you using for it? Does coovachilli disconnects the
>> session when this quota has reached or the user may go beyond
>> the quota but his next session authentication request will be rejected
>> because of FreeRADIUS's sqlcounter module?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> --
>> --
>> Sincerely, Liran Tal

Sincerely, Liran Tal

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