Passwords of length 16 not handled correctly

Wichert Akkerman wichert at
Mon Aug 10 11:56:31 UTC 2009

I found another corner case in the password handling: normally passwords 
are NUL-padded to be a multiple of 16 in length before the as part of 
the PAP-obfuscation. chilli then decodes the obfuscated password and 
ends up with a proper NUL-terminated string. However if a password is 
exactly 16 characters, or a multiple thereof, long no NUL-padding 
happens. As a result the password string chilli gets is never 
NUL-terminated. The fix is easy: make sure the incoming password is 
NUL-terminated so we can get a valid length for it and limit the decoded 
password to strlen(conn->password) characters. I've attached a patch 
with this change.


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