Problem with Web authenticating and macauth

Mounir Assaf mounir.assaf at
Mon Aug 24 16:41:41 UTC 2009


I am using coova-chilli 1.0.13 with a radius server (sql), and I'm 
having some troubles with authenticating clients. If anyone could help 
me, that would be really great.

I configured coova in order to authenticate clients using their mac 
adress + suffix. Then if the mac adress isn't found in database, it 
redirects clients to a web portal. But sometimes,
coova refuses to redirect clients to the web portal. I have to restart 
the router in order to make it work...
radius.log :
Mon Aug 24 18:21:12 2009 : Auth: Login incorrect: 
[00-1C-16-19-4C-47spelec/macpass] (from client spelec port 1 cli 
Mon Aug 24 18:22:39 2009 : Auth: Login incorrect: 
[00-25-4B-E8-25-73spelec/macpass] (from client spelec port 2 cli 

 and it continues for a while if i don't restart the router ... if 
anyone has an idea, i'll be really grateful.

Thanks in advance


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