[Chilli] svn commits, release this week

David Bird david at coova.com
Sat Dec 12 22:18:13 UTC 2009

Some additional svn commits have been posted. 

See the ChangeLog for details.


- When compiled with --enable-chilliredir, a "chilli_redir" server is
built and used (launched by chilli) to handle UAM and embedded portal
requests (uamport/uamuiport) 

- With the above enabled, the open --uamregex becomes available whereby
you can define regular expressions to match the Host, URI, or query
string of a request (matching requests are "allowed", i.e. proxied,
others redirected). The three patterns are separated by "::", an example
might be ".google.com$::!^mail::*" to allow google, but not to /mail.
See "man chilli.conf" for details. 

- Now with support for matrixssl (use --with-matrixssl instead of
--with-openssl). Using either SSL will enable the options --redirssl (to
have https redirected) and --uamuissl (to have the uamuiport ssl

- There is now an option for --uamaliasip which is a 'special' IP
similar to 'uamlogoutip'. The difference is that uamaliasip defines an
IP which will always be redirected to the UAM port. It becomes a
convenient alias for uamlisten. 

- There is also now a --uamaliasname which defines a single word host
(used in combination with --domain to form a FQDN) that a "local DNS"
feature will resolve always to the uamaliasip. It provides a convenient
hostname for the uamaliasip. 

- and many fixes, a few being from the forum...

If you are able, please give it a test. We would like to release this as
1.0.15 this week if there are no show stoppers. 




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