Problem with restarting chilli 1.0.12 - redir.c: 982: 28 (No space left on device) msgget() failed

Johan Meiring jmeiring at
Mon Mar 2 12:17:28 UTC 2009

Outback Dingo wrote:
> nice... Nanos ROCK, ive got a svn binary, but yes building from SVN info 
> would be nice for Kamikaze users, Ive got 60+ Nanos deployed now

You'll be happy to know that the firmware also runs unmodified on the 

> Also note ive seen instances where chilli just stops to function 
> completely on the 8.09 release, no errors or anything

Does the chilli process die, or hang?

> just kinda locks up, but seems ok on trunk r14613. I m  testing the svn 
> chilli version tonight.

Where did you get the binary?


Johan Meiring
Amobia Communications
Tel: (0861) AMOBIA / (0861) 266242
Fax: (0861) AMOFAX / (0861) 266329

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