VPN Traffic issues

Daniel Garcia DGarcia at globalgossip.net
Wed Mar 4 06:15:59 UTC 2009

Hi David/Delevopers,

I am having a headache with Coova and I was wondering if someone could help me out, Ive been working on Coova for a few weeks now and time is running out for me and so I hope you can help me.

I was tasked with getting multiple VPN traffic to work with Coova so people from the hotspot network for our wireless users. We have a linux box that acts as a gateway for wireless traffic.

Following the instructions on the web and coova I have done the following...

Edit /usr/local/etc/chilli/Up.sh

# Coova Chilli - David Bird <david at coova.com>
# Licensed under the GPL, see http://coova.org/
# up.sh /dev/tun0

. /usr/local/etc/chilli/functions

[ -e "/usr/local/var/run/chilli.iptables" ] && sh /usr/local/var/run/chilli.iptables 2>/dev/null
rm -f /usr/local/var/run/chilli.iptables 2>/dev/null

IF=$(basename $DEV)

ipt() {
    opt=$1; shift
    echo "iptables -D $*" >> /usr/local/var/run/chilli.iptables
    iptables $opt $*

ipt_in() {
    ipt -A INPUT -i $IF $*

[ -n "$DHCPIF" ] && {

    [ -n "$UAMPORT" -a "$UAMPORT" != "0" ] && \
      ipt_in -p tcp -m tcp --dport $UAMPORT --dst $ADDR -j ACCEPT

    [ -n "$UAMUIPORT" -a "$UAMUIPORT" != "0" ] && \
      ipt_in -p tcp -m tcp --dport $UAMUIPORT --dst $ADDR -j ACCEPT

    [ -n "HS_TCP_PORTS" ] && {
      for port in $HS_TCP_PORTS; do
          ipt_in -p tcp -m tcp --dport $port --dst $ADDR -j ACCEPT

    ipt_in -p udp -d --destination-port 67:68 -j ACCEPT
    ipt_in -p udp --dst $ADDR --dport 53 -j ACCEPT

    ipt -A INPUT -i $IF --dst $ADDR -j DROP
    ipt -A INPUT -i $IF -j DROP

    ipt -I FORWARD -j DROP -i $DHCPIF
    ipt -I FORWARD -j DROP -o $DHCPIF
    ipt -t raw -I PREROUTING -j NOTRACK -i $DHCPIF #Beg. of appended lines
    ipt -t raw -I OUTPUT -j NOTRACK -o $DHCPIF
    ipt -I FORWARD -j ACCEPT -i tun0 -p gre
    ipt -I FORWARD -j ACCEPT -i tun0 -p tcp --dport 1723

    ipt -I PREROUTING -t raw -j NOTRACK -i $DHCPIF
    ipt -I OUTPUT -t raw -j NOTRACK -o $DHCPIF #End of appended lines

    ipt -I POSTROUTING -t nat -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
    ipt -I PREROUTING -t nat -i $IF -p tcp --dport 25 -j DNAT --to-destination $HS_SMTP

    [ "$HS_LAN_ACCESS" != "on" -a "$HS_LAN_ACCESS" != "allow" ] && \
      ipt -I FORWARD -i $IF -o \! $HS_WANIF -j DROP

    [ "$HS_LOCAL_DNS" = "on" ] && {
      ipt -I PREROUTING -t nat -i $IF -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination $HS_DNS1
      ipt -I PREROUTING -t nat -i $IF -p tcp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination $HS_DNS1

# site specific stuff optional
[ -e /usr/local/etc/chilli/ipup.sh ] && . /usr/local/etc/chilli/ipup.sh

As you can see the blue is the added code I copied from the forums. I also did the following for the install of the appropriate modules...

Modprobe ip_conntrack_pptp
Modprobe ip_nat_pptp
Modprobe nf_nat_proto_gre
Modprobe nf_conntrack_proto_gre

Now, I also amended the following

# vi /usr/local/etc/init.d/chilli

Under the case$1 in
                           Start) - section (this starts the chilli software and calls many procedures

Changed the following code:

Ifconfig $HS_LANIF

To: ifconfig $HS_LANIF

As I want an IP on the eth1 interface for traffic passthrough.

My problem is two-fold, 1. Multiple VPN connections work great and I can access the resources on the other network, but i can NOT browse the internet. DNS is working because I can see a web search doing a name-to-ip address translation, so HTTP or nat'ing is getting screwed up somewhere.

Also, we want to have snmp and ftp services working and go through the eth1 interface (which is why I have placed an IP address on eth1; for routing purposes), but if I remove the DROP chains:

    ipt -I FORWARD -j DROP -i $DHCPIF
    ipt -I FORWARD -j DROP -o $DHCPIF

Then VPN stops working, I cant even get one connection going. Ive spent weeks on these two issues to no avail.

Thank you.

Daniel Garcia
IT Assistant Manager
Core Infrastructure & Systems Development
Global Gossip Group
[a]    14 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2010
[t]    +612 9263 0458
[f]    +612 9263 0404
[m]    0400 604 897
[e]    dgarcia at globalgossip.net

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