DHCP release configuration

Daniel Garcia DGarcia at globalgossip.net
Thu Mar 26 00:37:06 UTC 2009

With chilli I remember a dhcp timeout variable where chillispot would release an IP after a set time specified in one of its configuration files.

Is there something similar in coova? If so, where?

Someone on the forums wrote the following:

>>> you mean coova-chilli release ip if this client has no connect a while? if so,, you can try "--lease" parameter ,default it`s 600 seconds.

Is that a switch when running coova or in a configuration file somehwere?

We have our config in /usr/local/etc/chilli/

We start chilli services by running /usr/local/etc/init.d/chilli start

So I guess what I am saying i dont know exactly where to places the --release command, also, how do i state the seconds? I want it to release after 120 seconds.

Daniel Garcia
IT Manager
Core Infrastructure & Systems Development
Global Gossip Group
[a]    14 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2010
[t]    +612 9263 0458
[f]    +612 9263 0404
[m]    0400 604 897
[e]    dgarcia at globalgossip.net

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