[Chilli] CoovaChilli

David Bird david at coova.com
Sun Nov 15 07:58:55 UTC 2009

Thanks for your support, Liran!

Yes, I keep trying to grow the community, and I think it has been
somewhat successful. I've also been trying to remove any and all
"commercial" (or at least non-open-source) stuff from www.coova.org. 

I suppose I should be flattered that people find coova.org so
threatening (to their own commercial interests) to the extent that they
are compelled to fabricate reasons why Coova is somehow evil. I
typically just ignore such people, as those "in the know" are already
using CoovaChilli (including FON, open-mesh, and most of the (reputable)
back-end providers that also support Chililspot). 

Personally, I think wikipedia is a mess when it comes to the low-volume,
low-profile pages. I only brought the issue to the mailing list as it
wasn't the first time I've seen people unfairly classifying Coova as
some sort of enemy to the Chillispot community. 


On Sun, 2009-11-15 at 09:28 +0200, Liran Tal wrote:
> That's very sad to hear David.
> I believe that the opposite it true, Coova took on itself to continue
> the development
> of the chillispot captive portal software and doing a wonderful job at
> it by maintaining
> good interaction with the open source community.
> I don't know what kind of management orientation is handled in
> wikipedia but
> I'm pretty sure it's possible to contact a higher hierarchy than the
> page owner
> or such. I suggest you do that.
> Regards,
> Liran. 
> On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 9:13 AM, David Bird <david at coova.com> wrote:
>         I recently noticed that someone removed the link to
>         www.coova.org from
>         the wikipedia page for Chillispot. The person left a notice on
>         the
>         discussion stating "CoovaChilli needs to stop hijacking this
>         page for
>         commercial gain". This has me very confused... as the page in
>         question
>         is becoming nothing but a page for "commercial" links. Indeed,
>         the link
>         to CoovaChilli is almost the only useful link on the page (if
>         you are
>         looking for Chillispot functionality). Yet, this is the only
>         link
>         removed. Of course, this person, no doubt, likely has their
>         own
>         commercial interests... or is completely clueless. But still
>         has me
>         wondering..
>         Is Coova "too commercial"? If so, how?
>         What do you think?
>         David
> -- 
> -- 
> Sincerely, Liran Tal
> Founder and CTO
> Linux and Open Source
> Enginx - http://enginx.com

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