[Chilli] VLAN Support

David Bird david at coova.com
Fri Nov 20 14:49:47 UTC 2009

Hi Gergely,

Thanks... though, it would be better to give things as patches instead
of complete files. Also, some of those files are generated by using .in
files. Regardless, I think this is largely a local implementation issue
- and certainly not a standard use case (nobody wants to run multiple
instances on a router, for instance). 

Best regards,

On Fri, 2009-11-20 at 12:49 +0100, Gergely Kiss wrote:
> Could the attached scripts be integrated to the source somehow? A lot
> of users are wanting to run Chilli on multiple interfaces and probably
> these scripts are suitable for most situations.
> George
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gergely Kiss <mail.gery at gmail.com>
> Date: 2009/11/19
> Subject: Re: [Chilli] VLAN Support
> To: Devinder Singh <devinder at palettemm.com>
> I'm happy to announce that I managed to run 4 separate Chilli
> instances at the same time. :)
> Two files had to be modified to achieve this, /etc/init.d/chilli (the
> init script) and /etc/chilli/functions.
> You can find the files attached to this message as a gzip archive.
> Just copy the files over the existing ones (create backup first!),
> then open /etc/init.d/chilli in a text editor. You have two options
> now:
> 1. Leave the variable CONFDIR empty, so that only one instance will be
> run by the script, using the default config file in
> /etc/chilli/config.
> 2. Enter a path to the CONFDIR variable. In this case, the script will
> try to create separate instances for each files in the directory you
> specify here.
> There's another variable, which can be used to pass arguments to all
> instances (CHILLI_PARAMS). Anything you specify here will be passed to
> all of the chilli processes.
> Let's see an example:
> You have the directory "/etc/chilli/configs" in your system, and it
> contains 3 config files (their syntax should be identical to the
> default configuration). To be able to run multiple instances, make
> sure that the following variables are unique in each configuration:
> HS_LANIF -> which is the subscriber interface?
> HS_NETWORK -> which subnet to use for DHCP?
> HS_UAMLISTEN -> which IP to listen for auth requests?
> HS_UAMPORT -> which port to use for auth requests?
> HS_UAMUIPORT -> the port of the internal webserver
> Once you are done with configuring, open the init script
> (/etc/init.d/chilli) in a text editor and set:
> CONFDIR=/etc/chilli/configs
> Save the script and start up Chilli using the well-known command:
> # /etc/init.d/chilli start
> After this, a separate chilli process will be run for each
> configuration and they will be completely independent on each other
> (just make sure you specify different directories for the HS_WWWDIR
> setting).
> Now, check if all the required instances are running with "ps waux |
> grep chilli".
> You should see one running chilli process per configuration.
> To test the script, I've included some sample configs in the archive,
> just copy them to /etc/chilli/configs and you are done. Also, make
> sure you create VLAN interfaces with IDs of 2, 3, 4, 5 to use my
> config files for testing.
> That's all! I hope, you can make use of what I made.
> Regards
> George
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