[Chilli] R: building chilli from source (was: R: R: R: Chilli Digest, Vol 7, Issue 13)

Brigitta Bennici b.bennici at it360.it
Mon Apr 19 08:01:57 UTC 2010

Hello Isidor,
sorry I did exactly that error. I attached the output as you suggested. Hope I did fine this time. Thank you for your support.

My best regards,

Brigitta Bennici
E-mail: b.bennici at it360.it
Web: http://www.it360.it

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-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: 'Isidor Zeuner' [mailto:chilli at quidecco.de] 
Inviato: sabato 17 aprile 2010 1.57
A: Brigitta Bennici
Cc: 'David Bird'; chilli at coova.org
Oggetto: building chilli from source (was: R: R: [Chilli] R: Chilli Digest, Vol 7, Issue 13)

Hello Brigitta,

> i followed Isidor kind advice, installed openssl-devel, I tried rpmbuild but still problems.
> I attached the outpout.

I looked at your build output but the error messages seem to be
missing. How did you create the output file? It looks a bit as if you
have only submitted the standard output stream (as you would get it if
you did a "rpmbuild -ba coova-chilli.spec > bri.txt" redirect). To
find out what is going wrong, we also need the standard error stream
(as you could get it in bri.err.txt if you did something like
"rpmbuild -ba coova-chilli.spec > bri.txt 2> bri.err.txt" instead).

> Another question: my priority is to have anyIP and anyDNS correctly running.
> Can I try some other version or you think I will have the same problems installing coova-chilli?

I can't tell yet, as I am not sure what is going wrong in your

Best regards,

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