[Chilli] IPass GIS protocol

Murray Long murray at skyrove.com
Sun Aug 1 22:30:07 UTC 2010

Hi All,

We've been trying to integrate our hotspots with Ipass and are running into
problems with the GIS login.

We're running coovachilli  v1.2.3 on two different hardware platforms:
Ubiquity Picostation 2 running openwrt kamikaze
and Linksys wrt54gl running openwrt whiterussian

The Picostations work correctly but the Ipass client cannot connect to the

In the case of the Linksys, the client does successfully log in, but it
doesn't seem to recognize the "success" message, and eventually times out
and disconnects displaying "Invallid Username/Password".

Has anyone come across anything like this before?

Many Thanks,
Murray Long
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