[Chilli] [Patch] Fix access_request() to conform with radius pack ID semantics

IT-Systemmanagement Pieter Hollants pieter at hollants.com
Wed May 19 13:23:01 UTC 2010

Please find attached a new version of my original patch posted on May
16. There was another cause of "No such id in radius queue" errors
within chilli.c:access_request(), caused by the modified RADIUS packet
ID assignment semantics.

David, all you need to know is inside the patch's new second hunk :)

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inform. Pieter Hollants
IT-Systemmanagement Pieter Hollants          Tel. : (+49) (0)6192-910717
Rossertstraße 80                             Fax  : (+49) (0)6192-910713
65830 Kriftel                                eMail: pieter at hollants.com

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