[Chilli] chilli-1.2.5 sigsegv at dns.c:102

Leonardo Arena rnalrd at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 15:33:38 UTC 2010

On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 5:09 PM, Leonardo Arena <rnalrd at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> after a while (2~4h) chilli crash on my alpine linux router 2.1


More on this issue. Looks like that what makes chilli crash is a bogus
dns request:

Nov 29 14:44:42 b1-17-01-30-rd-rtr1 coova-chilli[23567]: dns.c: 234:
Q: at35uqs1fxa526k5nv2aavr0ga0l3yl45b14w2xbmjh2r0aut5vgxvwgcgdk.prup1hrwlsbpjc5ezpyvlev3ffrjm3kt42oxrfm1r3n5kpj5rq2o2nolq0p2.1y22q21xbc23db4suq3lad5ro44ktafudlengjd6xpxuahdk44so23rab4zn.rwvcodco2u1ec4w4jbmmswywxs6gy35tfnho6mfnmhzh1raq2tfq.access.skype.net

I dunno why chilli should intercept dns queries.

My PaX kernel kills it, evidently because is does some bad operation
in memory (due to some wrong buffer size?)
On non-PaX kernels it might not crash. I'm not c coder, so I rely on
someone else if he could have a look at it.

I'm not security expert either, but could it be a security related bug?

Attached there is the debug log and core files.

Thank you

- leonardo
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