[Chilli] DHCP Hostname with Mac Authentication

Derek C derekchilli at hssl.ie
Mon Feb 7 19:08:05 UTC 2011

Hi all,

Is it possible to get the DHCP hostname over to the freeradius/Jradius
server during the initial radius mac authentication (when the DHCP is
being done)?

Something like a populated Attr_ChilliSpotDHCPHostname attribute would be
great (except that dumping all attributes, in JRadius, with a
req.getAttributes().toString() shows that this attribute isn't being

I know it might be possible to use a remote freeradius/Jradius DHCP server
solution but I don't think that upstream-DHCP (DHCP relay / DHCP
forwarding) works alongside mac authentication (or, at least, it says that
here: http://coova.org/node/143).

thanks for any advice!


Derek C
In Ireland

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