[Chilli] Period "Reauthorisation"

Tim White timwhite88 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 11:20:31 UTC 2011

For anyone following this thread, I have a semi working implementation 
that is messy, but at least gives an understanding of how to do this if 
you wish to go to the trouble.

I have the following in the accounting section of my sites-available/default

         update control {
                Tmp-String-0 := "%{sql: select 
FLOOR(IFNULL(radgroupreply.value - U1.usedoctets,radgroupreply.value) + 
U2.TotalThisSession)   from radgroupreply, radusergroup, ( select 
SUM(((AcctInputOctets + AcctOutputOctets) / acctsessiontime)
  * ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(acctstarttime) + acctsessiontime) - 
radacct WHERE UserName = '%{User-Name}' AND 
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(acctstarttime) + acctsessiontime > UNIX_TIMESTAMP
(DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)) ) U1, (SELECT SUM(AcctInputOctets + 
AcctOutputOctets) as TotalThisSession FROM radacct WHERE AcctSessionId = 
'%{Acct-Session-Id}' ) U2 where UserName =  '%{User-Name}' AND Attribute 
= 'Max-Hourly-Octets' AND radgroupreply.GroupName = 
radusergroup.GroupName }"


         if(control:Tmp-String-0 > 0) {
                 update coa {
                         User-Name = "%{User-Name}"
                         Acct-Session-Id = "%{Acct-Session-Id}"
                         NAS-IP-Address = "%{NAS-IP-Address}"
                         ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets = 

What that convoluted sql query does is find all sessions associated with 
this user, that have been active during the period we are interested in 
(in this case, the last 1 hour). It then "normalises" the data usage 
across that timespan, and takes the quantity for the amount of that 
session that was in the active period. (For example, if a session was 10 
minutes long, but only 5 minutes in the current period, it'll take 1/2 
the data usage for that session). Yes, this isn't accurate but without 
setting up accounting into a special table that uses 1 row per time 
period of smaller periods instead of 1 row per session, this is the best 
we can do.
We then lookup the Max-Hourly-Octets values for that user (in this case 
it's in the radgroupreply table as I'm only applying the limits to 
groups), and calculate how much data they can continue to use in this 
time period. Lastly, we need to add the current sessions usage to that 
final figure as Coova Chilli has already counted it in it's session and 
we have counted it also. (ether you'll wrap your brain around that last 
bit or you won't).

Then we store the result in a Tmp string so that we only send the CoA 
packet if we actually have something to set. This way, if 
ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets has been set elsewhere, we aren't 
overwriting it. Also, sending a blank ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets will 
set no limit for users, even if they previously got one in the initial 
radreply packet.

Oh, and Max-Hourly-Octets in the reply messages at login will cause 
problems, unless you also have a sqlcounter setup to use that attribute 
to give a proper ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets reply attribute as well. 
(Simply because Max-Hourly-Octets isn't in the dictionary)

I believe we also need to send any other limits the user may have, as it 
seems CoovaChilli assumes the lack of the attributes in the CoA request 
means that attribute no longer applies. More testing needed.

My recommendation for anyone trying this. Don't. Set your users a "x 
hours per day" limit, and if you are really worried about them using 
lots of downloads/uploads, give them a bandwidth limit (throttle them).

 From what I've seen so far, I think implementing basic 'x mb a day' and 
'x mb a week' limits and not worrying about the reset period too much 
will work without too much trouble as long as you don't need limits to 
be strict (and you disable simultaneous login). (Also, I believe 
sqlcounter still has the bug that near the end of a reset period it can 
return a strange number for data queries as it was designed for time 

If you really care, maybe running a cron job that does fancy sql and 
performs a CoA disconnect on users who have been using too much is a 
better way than trying to have recurring data limits.

Thanks for everyone that helped me get this far. Now I've just got to 
work out if I (against my own advice) continue pushing forward or if in 
the long run a better solution is to run away from this as fast as I can!


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