[Chilli] Coova-Chilli Multi Tenanency Mode

Russell Mike radius.sir at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 08:50:32 UTC 2013


TUNTAP=$(basename $DEV)

. /usr/local/etc/chilli/functions

[ -e "$UNDO_FILE" ] && sh $UNDO_FILE 2>/dev/null
rm -f $UNDO_FILE 2>/dev/null

ipt() {
    opt=$1; shift
    echo "iptables -D $*" >> $UNDO_FILE
    iptables $opt $*

ipt_in() {
    ipt -I INPUT -i $TUNTAP $*

if [ -n "$TUNTAP" ]
    # ifconfig $TUNTAP mtu $MTU
    if [ "$KNAME" != "" ]
        ipt -I FORWARD -i $DHCPIF -m coova --name $KNAME -j ACCEPT
        ipt -I FORWARD -o $DHCPIF -m coova --name $KNAME --dest -j ACCEPT
        ipt -I FORWARD -i $TUNTAP -j ACCEPT
        ipt -I FORWARD -o $TUNTAP -j ACCEPT
        [ -n "$DHCPLISTEN" ] && ifconfig $DHCPIF $DHCPLISTEN
        if [ "$LAYER3" != "1" ]
            [ -n "$UAMPORT" -a "$UAMPORT" != "0" ] && \
                ipt_in -p tcp -m tcp --dport $UAMPORT --dst $ADDR -j ACCEPT

            [ -n "$UAMUIPORT" -a "$UAMUIPORT" != "0" ] && \
                ipt_in -p tcp -m tcp --dport $UAMUIPORT --dst $ADDR -j

            [ -n "$HS_TCP_PORTS" ] && {
                for port in $HS_TCP_PORTS; do
                    ipt_in -p tcp -m tcp --dport $port --dst $ADDR -j ACCEPT

            ipt_in -p udp -d --destination-port 67:68 -j
            ipt_in -p udp -d $ADDR --destination-port 67:68 -j ACCEPT
            ipt_in -p udp --dst $ADDR --dport 53 -j ACCEPT
            ipt_in -p icmp --dst $ADDR -j ACCEPT

            ipt -A INPUT -i $TUNTAP --dst $ADDR -j DROP

            if [ "$ONLY8021Q" != "1" ]
                ipt -I INPUT -i $DHCPIF -j DROP

        if [ "$ONLY8021Q" != "1" ]
            ipt -I FORWARD -i $DHCPIF -j DROP
            ipt -I FORWARD -o $DHCPIF -j DROP

        ipt -I FORWARD -i $TUNTAP -j ACCEPT
        ipt -I FORWARD -o $TUNTAP -j ACCEPT

        # Help out conntrack to not get confused
        # (stops masquerading from working)
        #ipt -I PREROUTING -t raw -j NOTRACK -i $DHCPIF
        #ipt -I OUTPUT -t raw -j NOTRACK -o $DHCPIF

        # Help out MTU issues with PPPoE or Mesh
        ipt -I FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS
        ipt -I FORWARD -t mangle -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j
TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

        [ "$HS_LAN_ACCESS" != "on" -a "$HS_LAN_ACCESS" != "allow" ] && \
            ipt -I FORWARD -i $TUNTAP \! -o $HS_WANIF -j DROP

        ipt -I FORWARD -i $TUNTAP -o $HS_WANIF -j ACCEPT

        [ "$HS_LOCAL_DNS" = "on" ] && \
            ipt -I PREROUTING -t nat -i $TUNTAP -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT
--to-destination $ADDR

# site specific stuff optional
[ -e /usr/local/etc/chilli/ipup.sh ] && . /usr/local/etc/chilli/ipup.sh

*Mike SAID:*

Dear David B.

First, Thank you very much for showing us correct procedure. And it should
be enough from your side. i am sure this would kill the problem. i am
talking about my self only, not very good in bash and i did not understand
what exactly should be done and which part of the "up.sh" i am humbly
requesting for more help so that i do not make it more worse situation. My
five instances starts like this:

What should be done with my "up.sh" copied above.

root at captive:~# /etc/init.d/chilli start
Found configuration /usr/local/etc/chilli/coova-vlan10/chilli.conf
Running DHCPIF=coova-vlan10 /etc/init.d/chilli start
Starting chilli:
Found configuration /usr/local/etc/chilli/coova-vlan20/chilli.conf
Running DHCPIF=coova-vlan20 /etc/init.d/chilli start
Starting chilli:
Found configuration /usr/local/etc/chilli/coova-vlan30/chilli.conf
Running DHCPIF=coova-vlan30 /etc/init.d/chilli start
Starting chilli:
Found configuration /usr/local/etc/chilli/coova-vlan40/chilli.conf
Running DHCPIF=coova-vlan40 /etc/init.d/chilli start
Starting chilli:
Found configuration /usr/local/etc/chilli/coova-vlan50/chilli.conf
Running DHCPIF=coova-vlan50 /etc/init.d/chilli start
Starting chilli:

*Thanks / RM --*

> *David Bird SAID: *
> To serialize the iptables, you can edit the up.sh/down.sh scripts to
>> wrap all the commands inside something like:
>> (
>> flock -s 200
>> # ... commands executed under lock ...
>> ) 200>/tmp/.chilli-flock
>> David Bird
>> *> Luic SAID*
>> >
>> >
>> > Hello everyone,
>> >
>> >  1. It could be related to iptable locking, because I've got a bit of
>> > success if I add "sleep 5" on /etc/init.d/chilli after starting each
>> > vlan. It's not 100% win, but at least the success rate increased.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> * > Mike SAID:*
>> > I can agree to your point. But i do not use different script for
>> > starting multiple instances (vlans) the same "/etc/init.d/chilli
>> > start" does starts everything. But i have been advised to write a
>> > different script, then i will add the wait between the "start" of each
>> > instance. The following line in start script just check "chilli.conf"
>> > files and start everything.  MULTI= $(ls
>> /usr/local/etc/chilli/*/chilli.conf 2>/dev/null)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >* Luic Asked:*
>> >         2. The iptables file located at
>> >         v /usr/local/var/run/chilli.tun0.sh is it generated every time
>> >         chilli boots? Is it executed on chilli process startup? Could
>> >         that be the issue? Not giving enough time for the OS to write
>> >         the file, and ask it to run the script? If it’s that, that
>> >         would explain why is a sporadic problem happening on multi
>> >         chilli, because is starting several chilli processes as fast
>> >         as the machine is capable of.
>> >
>> >
>> * >         Mike SAID:
>> >*
>> >         Yes Luic, the file, the iptables rule under "/var/run/tun*.sh
>> >         is created every time.  Because i have seen that when there is
>> >         login page problem from a VLAN, i have verify that iptables
>> >         file exists normal for that tunnel
>> >         "/var/run/tun_problem_vlan.sh. Well, are you satisfied with
>> >         the contents for the iptables file? do you think that i still
>> >         need the iptable rule you advised earlier? in the above
>> >         section of the communication?
>> >
>> >
>> >        *  Ynezz SAID:*
>> >
>> >         All rules from up.sh except the following seem to get created:
>> >
>> >          ipt_in -p tcp -m tcp --dport $UAMPORT --dst $ADDR -j ACCEPT
>> >
>> >
>> >          And sometimes some other rules :)
>> >
>> >          It seems to only ever happen in multi-instance environments
>> >         so maybe
>> >
>> >         it is something to do with iptables locking and not allowing
>> >         the
>> >
>> >         insertion of the rule while another instance is trying to do
>> >         the same?  I'm not sure.
>> >
>> >
>> >         Yes, maybe something like that, I didn't investigated it in
>> >         the detail either.
>> >
>> >         I've added simple locking into the coova-chilli init.d script
>> >         and added wildcard system wide iptables rules like "-i tun+"
>> >         and it improved a lot.
>> >
>> >          -- ynezz
>> >
>> >
>> * > Mike Wrote:*
>> >
>> >
>> > HI Yneez,
>> >
>> >
>> > It is Fully functional UB 12.4LTS x86_64, suffering with this disease
>> > only. It will help others as well, if your suggestion fixed the
>> > problem. Are you willing to provide more information so that i can
>> > edit the script & give a try? How the below is done you said
>> >
>> >
>> > I've added simple locking into the coova-chilli init.d script and
>> > added wildcard system wide iptables rules like "-i tun+" and it
>> > improved a lot.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Big Thanks 2 Everyone !!!!
>> >
>> >
>> > Thanks RM --
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Chilli mailing list
>> > Chilli at coova.org
>> > http://lists.coova.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/chilli
>> --
>> --
>> David Bird
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/dwbird
>> https://twitter.com/wlanmac
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