[Chilli] Data Volume Control Quota Coova-Chilli

Russell Mike radius.sir at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 12:14:45 UTC 2013

> Dear David B. List Members,
> i want to implement quota based vouchers, i know how that works but need
> little help.
> 1.) i need to create Freeradius RLM SQL_Counter module. *DONE !*
> 2.) Include & load module using "radiusd.conf" in module section &
> authorize section of sites-available/default *DONE !*
> *3.) *Accounting already been done by SQL
> *
> *
> i am looking for check & reply items for Freeraiuds & Coova those can
> control quota/volume.
> *
> *
> i am trying like this but not working:
> *
> *
> check: no attribute
> reply: Chillispot-Max-Total-Octets := 5000000 (5MB)
> *
> *
> Thanks / Regards
> RM --
> *
> *
> *
> *
> **

*Hi, *Since no one responded, I am going to reply my own post. Because i am
able to solve the problem. i assume that you want quota based vouchers. For
example, BOB has a voucher that should allows him to download 5mb of data
and disconnect from the CoovaChilli after words. if he attempted to re
login, he must be get rejected and get  *"Your maximum never usage time has
been reached" *

CoovaChilli v1.3.0 Freeradius v2.2

1.) Create SQL Counter, here is working one.

sqlcounter foreverbitscounter {
              counter-name = Total-Max-Octets
              check-name = ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets
              reply-name = ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets
              sqlmod-inst = sql
              key = User-Name
              reset = never
query = "SELECT (SUM(AcctInputOctets)+-SUM(AcctOutputOctets)) FROM radacct
WHERE UserName='%{%k}'"

2.) Let Freeradius read counter module before loading, many of you already
know, this is for new admins.

Type this under instantiate section of "radiusd.conf"

instantiate {

some other entries..



3.) Finally Load The Module by listing under "authorize" section of default
file, located on the following location

RH & CentOS:


authorize {

some other entries

start Freeradius in debug mode.
Ubuntu: freeradius -XXX
CentOS: radiusd -XXX

Attach this attributes to radius group/profile

Check Item:
ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets := 5000000 (5mb)

Reply Item:
ChilliSpot-Max-Total-Octets := 5000000  (5mb)

Enjoy, this is all you need for voucher quotas system, of course working
rlm_sql driver.

NOTE: Accounting must be done by SQL else it would not work

Enable Accounting:

RH & CentOS:


accounting {
some other entries

RM --

You need the following attribute in radgroupcheck & radgroupreply table.
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