[Chilli] Wifi clients cannot reach Internet?

Alberto Moreno portsbsd at gmail.com
Thu Jan 17 07:18:53 UTC 2013

 Continue, I hate went u press the send button by mistake.
I see that my clients have the coova IP as gw, this is normal or I can
change the default gw to be my firewall? Or how can I handle this?
The thing that took my attention is that they can reach my firewall dns but
they cannot reach port 80/443.

Now I have some question:

1) I see that the help manual, show options to define dhcp start number and
end number, I can setup this in the config?
2) Can I use my firewall dhcp?


On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Alberto Moreno <portsbsd at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> I start my learning curve with coova, fr2.
> My box is a centos 5.x with coova 1.3.0, this box have 2 nics:
> nic-1 connected to subnet
> nic-2 is dedicated to coova and connected to subnet
> This machine is behind fw.
> This is my settings for coova:
> cmdsocket       /var/run/chilli.eth1.sock
> unixipc         chilli.eth1.ipc
> pidfile         /var/run/chilli.eth1.pid
> net   
> uamlisten
> uamport         3990
> dhcpif          eth1
> uamallowed      "www.coova.org,
> uamanydns
> domain "lan"
> dns1 "" <<==========firewall pfsense 2.0.2
> dns2 ""<<==========firewall pfsense 2.0.2
> uamhomepage
> wwwdir /etc/chilli/www
> wwwbin /etc/chilli/wwwsh
> uamuiport 4990
> locationname "My HotSpot"
> radiuslocationname "My_HotSpot"
> radiuslocationid "isocc=,cc=,ac=,network=Coova,"
> I had 1 issue:
> My wifi clients receive IP from coova, they receive coova login page, they
> give their credentials, fr2 accept the data, coova try to redirect to the
> page they wanted but they cannot reach their wbe page.
> I see that they have coova Ip as GW, this is normal or
> --
> LIving the dream...

LIving the dream...
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