[Chilli] macauth / macreauth question

Derek Conniffe derek at hssl.ie
Fri Jul 19 08:29:35 UTC 2013

Hi everyone,

I want to double-check something:

With macauth set & macreauth set does this mean that its fine to re-direct a user to a non-UAMALLOWED server/URL *after* their MAC has been added to the radius server?  I.E. Will Coova Chilli *always* do a new radius check if 1) CoovaChilli thinks (via last radius check) that the user is not authed and the user is directed to a non-UAMALLOWED URL ?

Is it important, or even necessary, to redirect the user to a Coova Chilli internal web server URL to force a radius re-check ?   (and if this *is* actually necessary what is the exact URL when using macauth anyway?)

thanks for any info!


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