[Chilli] CoovaChiili Permit Server IP

David Bird david at coova.com
Tue May 21 17:00:33 UTC 2013

There could be an option similar to macallowed (plus macallowlocal) but
for layer3 mode using ip addresses. Using a script like the one
suggested would also work - though, I think you'd want 'authorize'
instead of 'login' since you don't have RADIUS. You can also do
something similar from the conup script so that as soon as the station
connects, you authorize it. 

On Tue, 2013-05-21 at 09:23 -0100, Luis Ferreira wrote:
> Hi Russell,
> Here we had the same problem, and were able to fix it with the
> following script:
> #!/bin/bash
> usercheck=$(/usr/local/sbin/chilli_query
> -s /usr/local/var/run/chilli.vlanxx.sock list |grep -c "1
> accountusername ")
> if [ $usercheck = '0' ];
> then
>         echo "Logging in accountname"
>         /usr/local/sbin/chilli_query
> -s /usr/local/var/run/chilli.vlanxx.sock login ip
> username accountusername password accountpassword
> fi
> Replace account name, account password and IP for the correct ones.
> Also check the location of the sock files.
> This script is running every minute. If the IP is not present, Chilli
> will not perform the login and ignore it. But if it is present (client
> connected) it will trigger the account login.
> This is a very dirty hack, but we have been using it for more than 2
> years and it never failed (except when the account would ran out of
> credit J ).
> Btw, if someone as a different (and less hacked) way of doing this on
> layer 3, please share it.
> Regards,
> Luis
> Dear Coova Gurus,
> CoovaChilli Layer3, Working great. But for some days now, i am working
> CoovaChilli to allow some devices to allow access without
> authentication AND have Static IP address. (Servers, IP phones, Apple
> TV etc..).
> MAC auth do not help because of L3 setup. Have anyone got the idea.
> How can configure coovachilli to allow access 10 static ip address out
> of a subnet by default. 
> Thanks in advance. 
> Thanks / Regards
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David Bird

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