[Chilli] Dynamic VLAN and 8021x

Russell Mike radius.sir at gmail.com
Thu Nov 14 14:52:59 UTC 2013

Hi Femando

i am also looking for same setup. i will share if i got something working.
But i have asked list members for their ideas but did not receive any
response. i am just asking for their idea not configuration model. I do not
mind if the idea did not work. i am ready to give attempt. Also, can anyone
please tell me what is the use for ChilliSpot-Vlan-ID ? in which case it
can be used ?

<><><><><><><><><> My Setup <><><><><><><><><>

We wish to use web content filtering for sales department. Asking
advice if this
do able like such.

1.) i have chili running in multi tenancy mode using VLANs.
 VLAN10, VLAN20, VLAN30, VLAN40, VLAN50 - Working !!

2.) VLAN30 CoovaChilli Instance is using parent proxy as Dansgurdian For
Filtering - Working!!

3.) I am thinking to create a radius group "Content-Filtered-Users"  which
has following attribute.

Reply-Item: ChilliSpot-Vlan-ID := 30"
Check-Item: As_Need

4.) Sales users are part of "Content-Filtered-Users" group

5.) When a user tries to authenticate which is part of
"Content-Filtered-Users" group. Chilli should put || provide access to
those use through VLAN30 so that their traffic is filtered.

Have anyone done such or similar for content filtering? i would very
grateful for sharing idea one has done so.

Regards / RM--

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 8:41 AM, Fernando Pizarro <feanpg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I'm trying to create captive portal with dynamic VLAN and 8021x. I found
> this post of 2010 [1].
> - It's possible to do this configuration?
> - Coova is able to send DHCP Nack request?
> Thanks for all.
> Regards. Fernando.
> [1] - http://lists.coova.org/pipermail/chilli/2010-April/001231.html
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