[Chilli] [PATCH] redir.c: Additional file extensions / mime types for redir_main()

Jan-Benedict Glaw jbglaw at getslash.de
Fri Nov 29 10:27:37 UTC 2013


I'm currently doing some tests with Chilli and couldn't serve an
already existing login page without this patch:

Index: src/redir.c
--- src/redir.c	(revision 490)
+++ src/redir.c	(working copy)
@@ -3483,6 +3483,10 @@
 	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".ogv"))  ctype = "video/ogg";
 	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".png"))  ctype = "image/png";
 	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".swf"))  ctype = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
+	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".svg"))  ctype = "image/svg+xml";
+	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 5), ".woff")) ctype = "application/font-woff";
+	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".ttf"))  ctype = "application/x-font-ttf";
+	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".eot"))  ctype = "application/vnd.ms-fontobject";
 	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".chi")){ ctype = "text/html"; parse = 1; }
 	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".cjs")){ ctype = "text/javascript"; parse = 1; }
 	else if (!strcmp(filename + (namelen - 4), ".dat")){ ctype = "application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig";

Could be useful for other people, too. (Though in the long term, it
would probably be an advantage to have this table as a plain
configuration file...)


Getslash GmbH, Bahnhofstraße 16, 59302 Oelde
Tel: +49-2522-834349-5    Fax:   +49-2522-834349-1
http://www.getslash.de    Mobil: +49-152-33822499
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Oelde
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Münster, HRB 11911
Ust-Id-Nr.: DE 815060326
Geschäftsführung: Andre Peitz, Tobias Hanisch
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