[Chilli] chilli_query output

Luis Ferreira lferreira at cabocom.cv
Wed Oct 23 17:58:46 UTC 2013

Thanks for the reply Mike,


Probably I did not explain myself properly. What I meant to say was that
sometimes, some accounts got jammed because of some sort problem
communicating with the radius. Those accounts sometimes do not properly
close on radacct table, causing users to try to login and saying that user
is already logged in.

Up until now, I'm cleaning "stalled accounts" as I call them, by issuing
that command (chilli_query logout) and performing radzap on the Radius
server for that account followed by a force close on the radacct table on
the database.


I'm trying to use the logout function to see if I can overpass that issue
faster and safer, but without any sort of output is very difficult to know
what has happen on the inside.


Kind regards,



De: Russell Mike [mailto:radius.sir at gmail.com] 
Enviada: 23 de outubro de 2013 11:44
Para: Luis Ferreira
Assunto: Re: [Chilli] chilli_query output


Dear Luis, 

I have LAN setup of coova, I did check and you command works alright. Logs
off the user even there us no out put. 

On Wednesday, October 23, 2013, Luis Ferreira wrote:

Hi everyone,


Sometimes I use the following command:


chilli_query -s /usr/local/var/run/chilli.vlanXX.sock logout ip XX.XX.XX.XX


The problem with that is that the command does not give any sort of output.
How can I know if it was successfully or it failed to do it? Is any sort of
output that I can enable it?


Kind Regards,


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