[Chilli] problem with miniportal

Alejandro Rodriguez arodriguez at b2ec.net
Wed Sep 18 17:21:33 UTC 2013

set a coovachilli 1.3.0 hostsop on Centos 6.4
I get the coova redirect page
however I´cant get the login page to show

haserl is installed

set in wwwsh

here the error

redir.c: 2103: 0 (Debug) The path: www/login.chi
redir.c: 2398: 0 (Debug) Serving file login.chi
redir.c: 3632: 0 (Debug) Running: /etc/chilli/wwwsh 
/bin/sh: line 31: http_header: command not found
/bin/sh: line 44: header: command not found
/bin/sh: line 46: uamfile: command not found
/bin/sh: line 58: loginform: command not found
/bin/sh: line 60: uamfile: command not found
/bin/sh: line 62: uamfile: command not found
/bin/sh: line 64: footer: command not found
chilli.c: 379: 0 (Debug) caught 17 via selfpipe
chilli.c: 310: 0 (Debug) child 1661 terminated
chilli.c: 135: 0 (Debug) Freed child process 1661 [[redir]]

Alejandro Rodriguez
Gerente Tecnico
Stealth Telecom del Ecuador
Telf: 2248233 / 2248887

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