[Chilli] change in wwwsh

Beebe, Matthew matthew.beebe at hei-ss.com
Mon Sep 23 18:10:01 UTC 2013

Hello all:

r476 (sep 2012) of coova-chilli introduced a change in wwwsh:

What previously had been this:
dd of=$POST_FILE count=$CONTENT_LENGTH bs=1 2>/dev/null

Became this:
dd of=$POST_FILE cbs=$CONTENT_LENGTH conv=block count=1 2>/dev/null

--- wwwsh(revision 475)
+++ wwwsh(revision 485)
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
if [ ${CONTENT_LENGTH:-0} -gt 0 ]; then
     export POST_FILE
-    dd of=$POST_FILE count=$CONTENT_LENGTH bs=1 2>/dev/null
+    dd of=$POST_FILE cbs=$CONTENT_LENGTH conv=block count=1 2>/dev/null
     $haserl $file < $POST_FILE
     /bin/rm -f $POST_FILE

This was apparently related to a change proposed back in Jan 2011 to assist with Content-Length responses sent from some browsers.  (see: http://coova.org/node/4640) (though I'm not certain that was the reason, but it was the same change as proposed)

However, the "cbs=" and "conv=block" are parameters not supported by the dd program included in most embedded systems (ie: the standard busybox binary doesn't handle those parameters)

While I _WAS_ smart enough to track this down as the source of my problems, and _WAS_ smart enough to search through the svn commits to find where/when the change was introduced, I'm apparently not smart enough to understand what it is doing...  :)

If I change it to the prior way, my immediate problem goes away, but I must confess I don't fully understand what this change was fixing, so I can't be certain I'm not breaking something important.

I'd also like to take a stab at re-factoring it in a way that is more broadly supported, but am a little lost on what it is trying to accomplish.  Any thoughts/comments are appreciated.



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