[Chilli] Chilli box only 1 LAN

Steffen Dettmer steffen.dettmer at nomadrail.com
Tue Apr 15 08:59:21 UTC 2014

Hi John!

* John Paul:
> * Steffen:
> > on Linux, are two interfaces (e.g. eth0 and eth0.10), so I
> > think it should work (using eth0.10 as HS_LANIF).
> >
> Steffen, eth0.10 is an "alias" on eth0, it's a common way to set
> multiple IP on a single net card.
> As I remember, once chilli is launched, it builds a tunnel
> between LAN and WAN cards. May am I wrong, but it's not possible
> to build a tunnel on virtual interface (eg. eth0:1).

Yes, "eth0:0" is called an alias interface and was used in the past to
support multiple IP addresses (ifconfig eth0:0 <ip> up),
but "eth0.10" (dot instead of colon) is a VLAN
(ip link add link eth0 name eth0.10 type vlan id 10).

You are right that Coova won't work on alias interfaces like
"eth0:0", but it does work on VLAN interfaces like "eth0.10".


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