[Chilli] multi tenant clarification

David Bird dbird at google.com
Mon Aug 25 16:09:41 UTC 2014

You can use the conup/condown scripts to insert iptables rules when a
session is authorized and de-authorized.

On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 5:31 AM, Nestor A. Diaz <nestor at tiendalinux.com>

> Hello People,
> When it comes to multi tenant configuration, what is the most sane
> approach according to your experience ?
> I will like to set up things 'the easy way' for the people to connect.
> We have groups 'A' and 'B'.
> Group A should have access to a high quality gateway
> Group B should have access to a medium/bad quality gateway
> One way is to setup an access point with virtual SSID associated to a
> VLAN and have a dedicated coovachilli service on each vlan (let's assume
> coovachilli running on a central server) then problem solved (I think!).
> But I was wondering if coovachilli support some kind of iptables mark
> support, let me explain:
> I would like have just one ssid and just one coovachilli and do
> username/password authentication then the radius server respond with an
> additional attribute (the group they belong: being it 'A' or 'B') and
> according to that chilli will mark the packets comming from the client,
> this way at the kernel level I can choose the default outside gateway
> for a client.
> Is that possible ?
> Regards,
> --
> Nestor A Diaz
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