[Chilli] Radius 256 Request per port limit

David Bird dbird at google.com
Sat Feb 8 19:03:30 UTC 2014

I think that would be the way to go -- binding to multiple local ports,
each having their own radius id counters.

On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 7:41 AM, Alexander Szlezak <
alexander.szlezak at unwired.at> wrote:

> Dear All,
> We're running coovachilli in a centralized way, thus one daemon is handing
> the traffic of a large number of access points bridged on layer2 with the
> interface coovachilli is running on.
> Since the location of the user is relevant to uns (on which ap is a
> certain cpe located), the access points send a radius accounting packet
> with the location to chilli, extracts the location id and then proxies the
> request to our radius server.
> Issue is, that we have a lot of access points, and radius requests and to
> us it seems there is a protocol limitation for 256 concurrent radius
> requests per port. Since coovachilli is proxying all requests on one port
> to the radius server, we hit that limit.
> Question is, if there is a workaround, or if it is imaginable to have
> chilli connect to radius on multiple ports (as this is the descibed
> workaround in the radius documentation).
> Would be glad to have your ideas on this.
> Thanks,
> Alexander
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