[Chilli] Multiple DHCP gateways in Coova

Phyo Wai Soe phyo.w.soe at frontiir.net
Thu Feb 13 05:36:51 UTC 2014

Hi All,

I know we can specify an external DHCP server to be used by Coova with the dhcpgateway option. However, we would like to use more than 1 external DHCP servers for HA such that if DHCP_server_1 fails, Coova will get addresses from DHCP_server_2 and so on. If both DHCP servers are up, Coova will send requests to both of the servers and accept only one of the replies. The 2 DHCP servers may or may not be in the same subnet.

Does Coova support this out of the box or is some code tweaking necessary?


Phyo Wai Soe

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