[Chilli] Increase the value of SNDBUF RCVBUF

andrew@PolkaSpots.com andrew at polkaspots.com
Sun Jul 20 15:11:05 UTC 2014

Those anyone know how to change the faults*Net SNDBUFRCVBUF size can be 
change from the default value of 163840 to something higher?
Is this done just when you compile it or you can change it in the config 
file as well?

Im getting the fallowing issue and I have read that is because of the 
buffer size.

Jul 20 14:29:58 OpenWRT coova-chilli[11166]: net.c: 892: 11 (Resource 
temporarily unavailable) packet dropped due to congestion
Jul 20 14:29:58 OpenWRT coova-chilli[11166]: net.c: 915: 11 (Resource 
temporarily unavailable) net_write_eth(fd=5, len=1506) failed

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